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Ubuntu Desktop 22.04 LTS: PC Specs and Version Confirmation Procedure

Ubuntu Desktop

I will explain how to check the PC specs of the Linux distribution Ubuntu Desktop 22.04 LTS. In “Settings”, you can check the installed specifications such as memory, processor, disk capacity, OS name, OS type. In addition, we will also explain how to check the OS information (version, 32bit / 64bit) of the computer you are using with commands using “Terminal”.

Ubuntu Desktop 22.04 LTS: Check PC specs, version, bit number

Step 1:
Select “Show Applications” in the lower left corner of the desktop.

Step 2:
Select “Settings”.

Step 3:
You can check the OS information by selecting “About”.

③Disk Capacity
④OS Name: version information
⑤OS Type: number of bits

Version and bit number confirmation procedure by command using “Terminal”

Step 1:
Select “Show Applications” in the lower left corner of the desktop.

Step 2:
Select “Terminal”.

Step 3:
You can check the version information by executing the following command.

cat /etc/issue

You can also check using the command above.

cat /etc/os-release

Step 4:
You can check the bit number of your computer by executing the command below.

uname -i
・When it is displayed as i686, i686, i386, it is 32bit.
・If it is displayed as x86_64 or amd64, it is 64bit.
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Ubuntu Desktop
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